A community of values for art and its makers
The Art Cooperative is a partnership between active creative artists and financial supporters that helps artists create, implement and organise works of art and art projects.
Do you now, soon or in the near future have access to money that is not immediately necessary for your own existence? Perhaps you would like to contribute to the arts or my compositions in particular.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of this special initiative set up by stone sculptor Jantien Kahn. There are now more than 27 participants in her work. Partly thanks to ‘The Art Cooperative’, she has been able to participate in various foreign projects and exhibitions and has been able to continue creating during the Covid years.
NEW: What started as an informal ‘Art Cooperative’ has been a Chamber of Commerce registered Cooperative enterprise since March 15, 2024! We are very pleased with the first company participations of De Beeldhouwwinkel C.V. and from the Sleipnir Foundation.
That is great news, because now an artistic activity of a kind that never existed before has emerged. An organization of talent and resources to facilitate the arts. This organization has a board that currently consists of: Jantien Kahn, Reinoud van Bemmelen and Jessie Ehlhart.
- There are 3 types of potential participants/members: A-members or makers of works of art, B-members or private financial supporters and C-members or companies that step in to ensure the financial health of De Kunst Cooperative.
- The first contribution to become a member is 10 euros for private individuals and 100 euros for companies.
- The artists provide insight into their material and financial needs via a message or newsletter to their own support network within The Art Cooperative.
- Participants make a contribution if they have money available at that time. This can be (a multiple of) 10 or 100 euros.
- B and C members/participants thus support the work, artistic life or a specific project of the artist (the A member) and also become certificate holder and co-owner of this art enterprise.
- Artists actively involve participants in recent developments and regularly provide an update on new work or upcoming performances/exhibitions.
- At least once a year (in addition to the ‘mandatory general membership meeting’) we organize a meeting for all participants and ‘makers’ involved.
It would be great if you would like to join as a supporter of my work and our network. This is possible with a contribution from 10 euros!
- Artists who would like to be part of this community to learn from each other, support each other and build their own support network from The Art Cooperative. As an interested artist, you register with us, we get to know each other and see if this initiative suits you and us. Then you can join as a so-called A member.
- Private individuals who now, occasionally or in the near future have access to money that they would like to use for my compositions in particular or the arts in general. Anyone who transfers €10 or a multiple thereof can immediately become a B member.
- Companies that think it is a good idea to invest part of their available resources in art. If you are interested in joining your company, email us and we will submit your application to become a C member to the board.
You can support me/us by transferring 10 EURO!
Send a message via the contact form

As a certificate holder, you enjoy the involvement in art and the opportunity to ‘take’ works of art into your home for a while at little or no cost. After all, you are a co-entrepreneur of this art. If you are a singer, musician or conductor yourself, you can also use the new music pieces that have been created by the Art Cooperative. For example, you can perform new music or have it performed, whereby you can make mutual agreements with the creator about the manner and extent of distribution of the work.
Chamber of Commerce nr. 93265840